Driving Business Forward with Smart Digital Transformation 

Digital transformation & AIMay 29, 2024
Driving Business Forward with Smart Digital Transformation 

In the modern business environment, information technology (IT) has transcended its role as a mere facilitator of operations to become a core component of strategic business development. However, companies frequently fall into the "technology creep" where the focus shifts from strategic enablement to technology adoption for its own sake.  

Here are 4 secrets how business can leverage their IT, enhancing their organizational capabilities and processes. 


The Dangers of Technology Creep: 

Technology creep arises when businesses focus more on IT capabilities than on the strategic roles these technologies should fulfill, often neglecting crucial organizational aspects like process redesign and staff training. This misalignment can result in IT projects that are over budget, behind schedule, underdeliver on benefits, and fail to provide a lasting competitive edge, emphasizing the need for a strategic approach to IT that aligns with business goals. 


The Concept of IT as an Enabler: 

To mitigate the adverse effects of technology creep, organizations should treat IT primarily as an enabler, not the definitive answer. Effective information capabilities should expedite and economize information flow to improve decision-making throughout an organization and its supply chain, thereby enabling process streamlining, reengineering, and enhanced collaboration. 


A Closer Look at Connectivity and Willingness: 

Connectivity and willingness are crucial for effective information sharing, with connectivity providing the necessary technological infrastructure for managing data essential in decision making, particularly in supply chain management. Willingness, reflecting the cultural aspect of an organization, is vital to ensure that this infrastructure is effectively utilized, emphasizing the need for a culture of openness and trust. 


Empirical Evidence and Analysis: 

Empirical data from a study of 1,400 companies reveals that organizations with high levels of both connectivity and willingness achieve significantly better performance in terms of efficiency and customer satisfaction compared to those that lack one or both. This data highlights the importance of investing in both IT infrastructure and a supportive organizational culture to maximize the benefits of IT investments. 



The nature of IT enablement in business necessitates a balanced approach that considers both technological capabilities and the organizational context within which these technologies are implemented. Companies that successfully integrate their IT investments with strategic business objectives tend to reap substantial benefits, including enhanced operational efficiency, improved customer satisfaction, and a sustainable competitive edge. Thus, businesses must not only invest in IT but also foster a culture of willingness to share information to fully leverage the potential of their IT capabilities. 



  • Fawcett, A. M., C., & Fawcett, S. E. (n.d.). The Definitive Guide to Order Fulfillment and Customer Service: Principles and Strategies for Planning, Organizing, and Managing Fulfillment and Service Operations